An International recognition
Awarded and published in Acquisition International Magazine as
Best Youth Advocacy & Support Initiative 2022 - India
The world needs change and the youth has the power. Good education necessarily entails engagement of that power in socially progressive initiatives and YUVA aims to provide with the direction they need to direct their energies constructively.
YUVA is a youth initiative to inform, inspire and mobilize youth to work for quality education for all along with other social issues. Pratigya strives to provide a platform to the youth to express themselves, analyze the problem and work effectively to support the cause by organizing numerous conferences and workshops on politico-socio-economic issues like Transparency, Democracy, Personal and Economic Liberty, Individual Rights, Education, Poverty and Governance etc. There is also an opportunity for volunteers to learn and work at the grass roots and become direct agents of change.
Fellows of EK
Pratigya launched its fellowship programme for community youth to be an agent for change in their communities. The fellowship is based on three major principles - volunteerism, giving back to society and action for change. These fellows devote about 15-18 hrs per week and work in their community with a focus on the education of the children of their community. They are mandated to facilitate and ensure the school education of every child in their community along with life skills training for them.
Pratigya is a member of VartaLeap coalition which is a cross-sectoral grouping of 150 (and growing) youth engaging organizations from the development sector, government, media, corporate, educational institutions, and UN agencies who seek to create a movement towards a new norm – Every Youth A Jagrik and Every Space Nurturing Jagriks. We define Jagrik as a self-awakened citizen not only making change but also being the change. The purpose of the coalition is to design, pilot and scale youth–centric innovations and enable appropriate narrative shifts.
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Samvidhan Live ! Be a Jagrik
‘Samvidhan Live! Be a Jagrik’ toolkit is a result of a robust research and tested pedagogy that has enhanced capacities of adolescents and young people to demonstrate agency on issues that affect them in both institutional and non-institutional environments. The game challenges adolescents and young people through an experiential learning of the Constitution of India, its values and principles and pushes them to re-evaluate existing beliefs, exploring a space outside their usual comfort zones of friends, family, leisure and career.
Adolescents and young people who participate in this journey are called ‘Jagriks’. Jagrik is a wordplay and a concept that combines Jagruk (awakened and aware) and Nagrik (Citizen). The ‘Jagriks’ act as active citizens for the jag (communities). ‘Jagriks’ play this interactive game in pairs over five weeks and undertake tasks which are both self-reflective and social in nature. On completing their weekly tasks, the ‘Jagriks’ come together to share their learnings in weekly meetings called ‘Jamghats’.
Q-ki Championship is a reality check game show on well-being played by intergenerational teams to bring out plu-tories and best practices to build self and systemic wellbeing, including awareness on COVID. The championship is played at three levels – Arena, Regional and State/Nationals and engage multiple people directly. The goal is to facilitate the participation of intergenerational teams from across the country to build narratives to foreground wellbeing.
Samjho Toh: Samvidhan Live! Dialogues and Fraternity Labs
Samjho Toh: Samvidhan LIVE! Dialogues and Fraternity labs is a national programme that brings together young people from varied identities and ideologies to deeply dialogue, collaborate upon and co-create a shared idea of India. While drawing upon the values enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution of India, the programme creates experiences that empower young people to initiate and sustain efforts for a harmonious world.
Phase 1: Samvidhan Live Dialogues: By dialoguing across the fault-lines, young people come face to face with the enriching power of diversity and difference and learn to collaborate and co-create. As a result of this process, hundreds of artistic expressions of their co-created shared vision of India are produced that inspire and spread the culture of dialogue in the larger society.
Phase 2: Fraternity Labs: Young people become champions of fraternity, and set up Fraternity Labs across the country to transform polarizing narratives into deeply dialogued upon plutories. With thousands of champions of fraternity at its helm, the labs become the sites of dialogue and collaboration, transforming thousands of polarizing narratives of personal, regional, national, and international significance so as to bring alive the value of fraternity in every nook and corner of the country.